I just can't stop wittering on to all my friends about Tims fab workshop last Friday. I can count amongst my pals quite a few who just don't get Altered Art in any shape or form, so when I show them my Configuration Box, I know some of them are slightly bemused!
It was a wonderful day, and Tim and his team are fantastic teachers, as are Lin and Leandra.
Here are a couple of pictures from the day.

We were given the most amazing kit bags of goodies to put in our boxes, they were like little bags of treasure, I still haven't quite worked out where everything will finally go but I think it's pretty much finished now. We were lucky to be able to use some of the new Ideology lines including the amazing bottles, frozen Charlotte dolls and the grunge printers blocks (these are bloomin' brilliant) that look like Letraset blocks.

I was also lucky enough to win a raffle prize, and as Tim said it's one that money can't buy. I am the proud new owner of a Tim Holtz Ideology messenger bag, which were made for CHA 2011
and he has very kindly signed it for me. Yipee!!!